P E B Commodities, Inc.
PEB Commodities, Inc. (“PEB”) is made up of a unique team of experts and
specialists with extensive experience and capabilities in perishable product
quality attributes, food safety, handling, precooling, packinghouse operations,
cold storage, controlled atmosphere, transportation, refrigeration technology,
marine cargo insurance, marketing and sales.
Our Mission
We provide expert and consultation services to growers, shippers,
packinghouses, insurance underwriters, transportation companies, P&I Clubs, law
firms, manufacturers and others. We are currently offering expert services for
alleged losses exceeding $10 million that involve fruit, vegetables, seafood,
meat, wine, flower bulbs, grains and blood products.
Company Profile
Founder and President Dr. Patrick E. Brecht, was a professor at Cornell
University and senior executive for four multi-national companies. He has
post harvest and postmortem expertise with a multitude of perishable products. In
the past 5 years, he was the principal consultant for over 175 perishable
product and equipment projects. He wrote Shipping Special Commodities and
co-authored recently released University of California publications entitled
Marine Container Transport of Chilled Perishable Produce and Refrigerated
Trailer Transport of Perishable Products. He also jointly authored an atmosphere
management book and the soon to be released Air Transport of Perishable
Products. He has given perishable product and refrigerated technology workshops
in Australia, Asia, North America, Hawaii, Europe and South America.
Contact Information
Send mail to
webmaster@pebcommodities.com with
questions or comments about this web site.